Anyone have Pictures????

This is a forum for fans of John Lennon to discuss his life, music, drawings, writings and the film Strawberry Fields Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive.

Anyone have Pictures????

Postby RandallReed on Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:39 pm

Anyone here have any photos that you or someone you know took of John Lennon?

Or just some cool pictures of J.L.

Please post them if you have them
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Re: Anyone have Pictures????

Postby Relaxed on Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:04 pm

Sorry Randall, I only have pictures in my mind. I once had a chance to see the Beatles when they first came to the US. I was invited by a group of my female classmates. The decision I made was one of the dumbest, since I did not go. I missed ever seeing my favorite group in person. But from that point on the visions of each time I viewed them are burned into my memory.

For those lucky enough to get close and take pictures, please post those nostalgic memories.
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Re: Anyone have Pictures????

Postby cityofangelslady on Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:50 am

I lifted the pictures from Strawberry Fields and google John Lennon pictures and you find hundreds to lift easily. Click all the way to "see Full Size Image, and then lift from there.
Hey, Gang, anyone in L.A., want to do a John Lennon something on October 9th? i was thinking to meet at the corner of LaBrea and Hollywood at the Beatles statues. Statue there commemorating all four Beatles. I'll go shoot a picture of it this afternoon.

Meanwhile coverage of John Lennon Day in LA starts this weekend, I'm going to show the trailer for April 9th release of film. LA City Buzz is at;

Does anyone in L.A. have a better idea for a place to do John Lennon Day in LA? A park would be cool also, maybe we can proclaim an area of an L.A. park as Strawberry Fields West. . .

Email me at and the trailer will be at LA City Buzz this weekend (March 28-29)

I really do want to put together a John Lennon Day in L.A., preferable in Hollywood as that is where I live. Anyone want to work on it with me?
Kay Ebeling
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Re: Anyone have Pictures????

Postby uppermost on Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:34 pm

I have a commercial photo given to me before my younger brother passed away JL peace sign, with the statue of liberty behind him, classic pic. its framed in my counselling office. People must raise their sights of JL and what he was about to become, he went from house husband (cocoon stage) to full blown intellectual of peace and love. A symbol of peaceful resistance against corporate/government dominance of greed control. JL could and did keep the movement alive and well and unfortunatly to his family and friends it cost him his life, but, as he calls out to us from the universe, pick up the gauntlets of peace and continue on. John is the needed symbol of social justice, he stood for so many things, yes the Creator brought him into the world and he became a Beatle, and qucikly rose to stardom, unlike any others, but then went into the cocoon state, and behold the beatle beccme this critical man of peace, the voice needed to speak out against the destruction of the planet, animals, people, peace, one only has to look back at the Bush years and his invasion of the middle east for oil and greed, perhaps Obama will be the new hope coupled with the legacy left by JL, MLK, JFK, BK, Gandhi, and others silenced by the guns of corporate madness and the genie in the bottle of Catcher in the Rye. That is why we need a national holiday for JL, so we as ordinary citizens can reflect and be reminded of the sacrfice made by JL and how there are those in the world who would stop at nothing to silence those voices of peace and love, voices sent to us designed to enlighten us and to keep us on course. I believe it is not too late for a participatory citizenship like we are presntly seeing in the USA under the guidance of President Barrack Obama. The dream isn't over, I believe it has just begun. Peace & Love.
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Re: Anyone have Pictures????

Postby thenewfabfour on Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:56 am

Relaxed wrote:Sorry Randall, I only have pictures in my mind. I once had a chance to see the Beatles when they first came to the US. I was invited by a group of my female classmates. The decision I made was one of the dumbest, since I did not go. I missed ever seeing my favorite group in person. But from that point on the visions of each time I viewed them are burned into my memory.

For those lucky enough to get close and take pictures, please post those nostalgic memories.

Hi Randall - I have a similar tale to tell of a failed opportunity to see The Beatles. It was 1962 (I was 9 so couldn't have gone anyway) and my uncle was in the local pub and asked him if he wanted to go to Oldham (the town next to our village) to see a group called The Beatles. My uncle said, no, he wouldn't bother ...... and is kicking himself still to this day! Peace and Love
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