by uppermost on Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:48 pm
tgood on you for attempting to draw attention to this video/news release. i beleive we need to be a part of the global citizenship that is mobilizing around the world, and the one in the USA powered by the obama phenomena. Because after all has been said and is the answer, and we know its true! it has happened before in the sixties and seventies, its time to rekindle that loving feeling. John's music is the homing device that will direct us to the places and people we need to be, come together right now... the planet is at stake, we need a revolution of peace and love, and i know you know its true. we should be networking with michal moore, poets against the war, trade unions, alternate newsmedia, and every other progressive group imagineable, noam chomsky, naoimi campbell, and every pro-active progressive alive that are still being guided by those who have gone on before us and still inspire us to this very day,
peace is here if you want it to be, just imagine, a world full of peace and love, citizens travelling their planet, every citizen should be able to do this as their right as an earthling, no matter their circumstances, no wars, oppression, greed, controlling patriarchs, all learning together and doing what ever we can to help heal our mother Earth. JL has given us this vision and the map to get there, all you need is love in your heart, mind, and soul. Peace & Love. Poet 911.